• Lecture time: Monday: 13:30:00 - 14:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Friday: 13:30:00 - 15:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Game
  • Keywords: Data Analytics, Engagement, Games, Machine Learning, NLP, Video Games
  • Tools: Azure, Jupyter, Python, Spark
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

Understanding the holistic relationship of players to Minecraft via Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and Twitch.


***Must have extensive Minecraft experience. Please answer the following questions when registering for the project: 1) Why do you want to join the team? 2) What is your experience playing Minecraft? 3) Were you part of last year's team?*** Please see the PDF for a detailed project description. When registering for this project in UniTime, look for 'Minecraft' in the Note section, and select the appropriate CRN.