BASF - Market Models
Open for Registration NDMN/IDM
  • Lecture time: Friday: 11:30:00 - 12:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Monday: 11:30:00 - 13:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Agriculture
  • Keywords: Agriculture, Market Development, Market Trends
  • Tools: Data Exploration, Feature Engineering, Machine Learning, Python, Time Series Data Analysis
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

In order to better understand how to deliver solutions for our customers we wish to better understand the market dynamics a grower faces. Specifically, within key market segments. Tools for evaluation will be at the student's discretion.


***Please see the PDF for a detailed project description. When registering for this project in UniTime, look for 'BASF (Market Model)' in the Note section, and select the appropriate CRN.***