• Lecture time: Monday: 11:30:00 - 12:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Friday: 11:30:00 - 13:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Forestry
  • Keywords: Geospatial Analysis, Google Earth Egine, National Forest Inventory data, Predictive Analysis, Satellite Imagery
  • Tools: Data Visualization, Excel, Geospatial Data Analysis, Google Earth Engine, JavaScript, Python, R, Satellite Imagery
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

Students will create an R package/Script Library/Dashboard (Tableau or PowerBI) and develop training guides for using the package/library/dashboard in multiple languages, perhaps taking advantage of AI translator services or native language skills.


Please see the PDF for a detailed project description. When registering for this project in UniTime, look for 'USDA Forest' in the Note section, and select the appropriate CRN.