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  • Lecture time: Monday: 15:30:00 - 16:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Wednesday: 15:30:00 - 17:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Biomedical Engineering
  • Keywords: Biomedical Engineering, Documentation, Multi-Disciplinary, Oxygen Concentrator, Prototyping
  • Tools: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Python, Software Engineering
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

This Project will be in collaboration with mentors from Inogen and Purdue Biomedical Engineering students in EPICS. Mission: Build an oxygen concentrator (hardware & software) out of generic (non-proprietary) parts and prepare instructions how to repair the build if it breaks

  • Lecture time: Tuesday: 16:30:00 - 17:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Thursday: 15:30:00 - 17:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Manufacturing
  • Keywords: Automation, Chemicals, Corrosion, Data Analytics, Materials, Pharmaceutical
  • Tools: Data Analytics, Power BI, Python, UX, Web-scraping
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

This project will work with Evonik Engineers to create a dynamic program that will generate Materials of Construction Matrices to determine compatibility using corrosion rates, temperatures, and concentrations.

SIA - Workforce Analysis
Open for Registration
  • Lecture time: Friday: 11:30:00 - 12:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Monday: 11:30:00 - 13:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Automobile
  • Keywords: Attrition, Automotive, Business Intelligence, data mining, Exploratory Analysis, HR, Machine Learning, Manufacturing, Predictive Analysis, Retention, Visualizations
  • Tools: Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Python, R
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

Identify and visualize factors influencing workforce retention and attrition with exploratory and correlation analysis to improve strategies, develop predictive models to forecast attrition risk, and enable data-driven decision-making to foster a productive workforce environment.

BASF - Market Models
Open for Registration NDMN/IDM
  • Lecture time: Friday: 11:30:00 - 12:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Monday: 11:30:00 - 13:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Agriculture
  • Keywords: Agriculture, Market Development, Market Trends
  • Tools: Data Exploration, Feature Engineering, Machine Learning, Python, Time Series Data Analysis
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

In order to better understand how to deliver solutions for our customers we wish to better understand the market dynamics a grower faces. Specifically, within key market segments. Tools for evaluation will be at the student's discretion.

  • Lecture time: Thursday: 15:30:00 - 16:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Tuesday: 15:30:00 - 17:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Aerospace
  • Keywords: Aerospace, Simulation modeling
  • Tools: Data Modeling, Linear Optimization, Machine Learning, Programming, Statistical Modeling, Stimulation
  • Citizenship: U.S. Citizens Required

Ground, flight, and simulation predictions disagree: how do we understand and predict the differences? The team will utilize Talon-P, a derived rocket-place data source, and statistical modeling to coorelate between flight, ground, and simulation data durin.

  • Lecture time: Thursday: 13:30:00 - 14:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Tuesday: 13:30:00 - 15:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Agriculture
  • Keywords: Agriculture, Climate, Machine Learning, Viticulture, Weather Data
  • Tools: AI forecast generation, Artificial Intelligence, Data Exploration, Data Integration, Machine Learning, Python, Time Series Data Analysis
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

Build off the previous Data Mine team and their LSTM model to determine which weather variables within the model have the highest relationship with yield. Investigate AI-driven long-range weather forecast models (ideally 3 + month) to predict next season grape wine yields.

  • Lecture time: Tuesday: 10:30:00 - 11:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Thursday: 09:30:00 - 11:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Education
  • Keywords: Audio Analytics, Classification, Machine Learning, Text Analytics, Visualizations
  • Tools: Azure, Data Visualization
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

Technology and analytics enabled improvement to elicit knowledge from experts and transfer effectively to successors.

  • Lecture time: Thursday: 12:30:00 - 13:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Tuesday: 11:30:00 - 13:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Manufacturing
  • Keywords: Optimization, Supply Chain
  • Tools: Manufacturing Industry Specifics, Optimization, smart manufacturing
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

YPPI creates a daily wax schedule manually which is dependent on customer demand and requested ship dates. Based on requested model and manufacturing type, and factoring in build time, people and equipment resource availability, YPPI needs a user-friendly method of determining th

  • Lecture time: Tuesday: 11:30:00 - 12:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Thursday: 11:30:00 - 13:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Technology
  • Keywords: AI, High Performance Compute, infrastructure, Software Developement
  • Tools: Ansible, NodeJS, Python, ROCm, Ubuntu
  • Citizenship: Open to all students

Concrete Engine builds computing and storage into shipping containers and connects them directly to green and underutilized energy sources. Using software-defined infrastructure, we empower AI solutions for the 21st century.

  • Lecture time: Thursday: 15:30:00 - 16:20:00 ET
  • Lab time: Tuesday: 15:30:00 - 17:20:00 ET
  • Domain: Aerospace
  • Keywords: cyber security, Machine Learning, Satellite, Satellite
  • Tools: Linux, NLP, Python, SPARTA
  • Citizenship: U.S. Citizens Required

Students will develop a machine-learning model to detect and identify cyberattack-based anomalies using satellite telemetry data.